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Czank Lívia: A függöny mögött
Czank Lívia: A függöny mögött

Czank Lívia: A függöny mögött

Lívia Czank spent one season with the Hungarian National Ballet in the Opera House. The book "Behind the curtain - the secret world of ballet" gives a glimpse into the dancers' everyday lives, their successes and failures, and they also tell honest stories about their role dreams, careers and personal lives. His conversations with artists, ballet masters and creators present the closed world of ballet in previously unknown depths. "Dance. Work. Art. Will. Fate. What is ballet? All this together, and countless other feelings, such as struggle, endurance and catharsis. We see ballerinas in Degas' paintings, in rehearsal and performance. The artists of the moment. They are mysterious and unapproachable. We admire them Lívia Czank is a brave and curious author - during her one year of work, she not only saw them, but integrated herself among the ballet dancers, sat in rehearsal rooms, dressing rooms, corridors, asked questions, took notes, and was able to understand something from this secret: which all it's there in the dancer, from the fire that guides them in this beautiful, difficult world. They were accepted by ballet artists, in this volume they reveal their lives to us - from behind the curtain!" Anna Juhász, writer
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